Sunday, August 19, 2012

Focus on what you don't have

Sounds sort of contrary to the other writings on this blog, yes? Well, I'm not talking about physical things. I'm talking about the things that your spirit is lacking. Part of the human condition is being in a state of need. We need other people. We need food. We need healthy relationships. It is important to focus on what you need and what you lack spiritually if you want to become a whole person. Notice, I didn't say perfect. The goal is never perfection, but wholeness. Ignoring what you need spiritually is as detrimental to your health as not eating or drinking water. It's like working on an empty stomach, or trying to concentrate in school when all you can think about is how thirsty you are.

So what are you in need of? Love, patience, peace, joy, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness or self-control? These are the things that our spirits need to lead productive and happy lives. The universe operates on a principle of reciprocity. Equal and opposite reactions. Therefore, our very lives are based around a cycle give and take. We must give these things in order to receive them, and we must receive them because they are necessary to leading a productive life. But how do you give what you don't have? You can't. It's not possible. So how do you get it? Ask God. God is the Giver of all good things (James 1:17) , and He has an abundant supply of all those things you are in need of (Galatians 5:22-23).  We all need somebody, and He is the somebody that is big enough for all of us to receive from.

So often we look to others who are just as flawed as us to fill the hole in our spirit, and to make us whole. Like I said before, you can't give what you don't have. Those efforts are futile. God being the Creator and Giver of all good things is the only One who can truly give you what you need. However, the choice to lean on Him for what you need is yours alone.

Becoming whole will attract others who can receive what you have to give them, and give of themselves to you in return. Going through life with an empty stomach isn't impossible, but it holds you back from living your best life. The same applies to your spirit. Go get what you need.

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