Monday, August 13, 2012


We all are given 24 hours in a day, it's a simple truth. We all have an allotted amount of energy to use in that day. Although it does seem like some may be blessed with more natural energy, we all are blessed with free will to choose how we will utilize that energy for the next 24 hours.

Another simple truth is that life can be painful. People don't give us what we desperately need. They let us down. They hurt us, sometimes intentionally, but most of the times not. In the midst of our pain, a lot of us fail to see the reality of the situation:  People who hurt people aren't really trying to hurt you, they are hurt themselves. Instead, we take it to heart. Start to internalize what people want us to believe about ourselves. Then we start hurting other people because we know from personal experience that people just want to hurt people. False.

I wrote before about how good the truth feels in comparison to lies, here. By clinging to our pain we shut out the truth, which is what God says about us and how he feels about us. He says his unfailing love surrounds us. That we are his beloveds and we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalms 139:14-16). Wallowing in self-pity is a rejection of God's truth.

 The Bible says you overcome evil with good. That love covers all sin. Each day we get a choice. We can choose to believe what people say about us or what God says about us. We can choose to feed our pain, or take steps toward healing. Is recovery easy, is it quick? No. Anything that is wounded badly takes time to heal, including your spirit. It's not easy to suffer and it's not easy to recover, so you might as well put energy into something that will bless you rather than curse you.

By reading what God says about you, you overcome the evil that has been done to you. His Holy love has healing power. In Psalm 107:19-21 it says " Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble , and he saved them from their distress; he sent out his word and healed them, and delivered them from destruction [emotional and physical]. Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love, for his wonderful works to humankind." Getting to know God through his word can and will release you from pain.

 Feeling sorry for yourself is a rather selfish act if you think about it. SELF- pity. It's tempting to become so focused on you, that you forget all of the other people in the world who may have it a lot worse than you. Maybe they don't have it worse, but putting your energy into doing good for others will ultimately bless you. Use your energy where it is most effective. You won't have time to think of yourself and your problems. That's God's job anyway. He's good at what he does.

P.S. Like music? Check out this song from Rapture. Just a little reminder that it takes times to be a (wo)man.

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